Isaiah. Jeremiah. Ezekiel. Amos. Jonah.

These great prophets of the Old Testament Bible had one thing in common. They all warned of God’s wrath and a coming destruction.

This new book by Dr. Neal Jackson clearly outlines the sins and unheeded warnings of ancient Israel. Jackson overlays this outline with the same sins and unheeded warnings in America today. The pattern is undeniable. Time may be short but hope still exists. See for yourself. You can make a difference.

About the Book

Dr. Neal Jackson’s The Coming Destruction of America is a clarion call to the nation for this hour. With a pastor’s heart, Dr. Jackson clearly articulates the stipulations given by God for His divine blessing upon a land and the devastating consequences of ignoring those guidelines. Using the nation of Israel as a model, Dr. Jackson skillfully guides the reader through the workings of God’s promises to a nation and the results of rejecting those promises.

Throughout the Old Testament, God kept His covenantal promises with Israel, blessing them with prosperity and peace. However, when Israel disregarded God’s precepts, they quickly discovered that many of His blessings were conditional based upon their obedience to His precepts. This sequence of obedience with reward followed by disobedience with punishment is cyclical in Israel’s history.

While God had a unique relationship with Israel, there are many lessons that can be learned from a serious study of her history that are applicable for any nation or people. The blessing of following God and the consequence of rejecting Him are eternal principles that any nation can learn from. The Coming Destruction of America, in Dr. Jackson’s informative and captivating style, will equally inspire and challenge every reader.

About the Author

Dr. Neal Jackson is the pastor of the Beulah Baptist Church, in Bennett, North Carolina. He is the third generation of preachers to be driven by the mandate of taking the gospel to the world. Neal Jackson can be seen across the country through the weekly telecast of Truth for Today which is currently broadcast in over thirty million homes each week by way of television.

Dr. Jackson’s writing, just as his preaching, is centered around the explanation of Scripture as the answer for every problem mankind will ever face. His passion has always been to encourage people to love and cherish the Bible. God has given Pastor Jackson the ability to answer the modern day problems people face with the truths of Scripture. He and his wife Tracy have five children: David, Victoria, Reagan, Aiden, and Hayden.

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